2011-12-31 00:00:00 來源:小兒神經中心 瀏覽次數:
為促進我國兒童睡眠醫學事業的發展,由中華醫學會兒科學分會呼吸學組睡眠協作組、首都醫科大學附屬北京兒童醫院承辦的“第三屆國際睡眠論壇及兒童睡眠醫學學習班”擬定于2012年3月17-20日在北京召開。會前2011年3月16日晚7:30召開全國兒童睡眠醫學協作組全體工作會議。論壇將邀請國內外在兒童睡眠醫學領域的著名專家如澳大利亞的Collin Sullivan、Karen Waters,美國的Judith Owens、Jodi Mindell 教授;國內的鮑秀蘭、申昆玲、劉璽誠、王惠珊教授等就兒童睡眠生理特點、常見兒童睡眠疾病的診斷、治療進展等做主題報告,并進行嬰幼兒睡眠模式、兒童睡眠監測技術操作及睡眠監測報告判讀等專業技術培訓。會議還將進行論文交流、優秀論文的評獎活動。歡迎各級醫院兒科醫生、婦幼保健人員、社區衛生服務機構等積極參加并踴躍投稿。
會議時間:2012年3月16日全天報到, 3月17日至20日論壇及學習班。
會議地點:北京西城區 中國職工之家酒店
聯系人:中華醫學會學術會務部 李佳;
首都醫科大學附屬北京兒童醫院 許志飛
電話: 010 85158128;010 59612395 郵箱:sleepbeijing@yeah.net
1. 本次征文內容覆蓋兒童睡眠與發育領域的相關基礎性研究、實驗研究及臨床研究,稿件需經作者所在單位同意,會議將評選優秀論文并頒發證書。
2. 論文格式:題目、作者、單位、目的、方法、結果、討論、關鍵詞。
3. 摘要:字數500~800字;全文:字數4000字以內。投稿時請務必將文稿(Word格式)通過E-mail發至本次大會會務組郵箱。
4. 截稿日期:2012年2月15日。
姓名 工作單位 科室 職稱 區號 聯系電話 郵政編碼 手機號碼 電子郵箱
With the rapid development of social economy, children’s sleep is drawing more and more attention
from the public. Meanwhile, the development of the children’s sleep medicine is also booming greatly in
China. The professional pediatric sleep medicine team is enlarged day by day, and various new conceptions
and technologies are being applied in the clinical practice. Under the circumstance, it is of great
importance to establish practice consensus, to build communication and collaboration between professionals
home and abroad.
In order to promote the development of pediatric sleep medicine in China, the China Pediatric Sleep
Medicine Forum (CPSMF) will be held in Beijing from 17th to 20th March, 2012. This is a national meeting
on this topic in China. The meeting will be co-sponsored by the Chinese Pediatric Sleep Medicine
Alliance (a sub-society of Pediatric Pulmonology of Chinese Pediatric Society) under the Chinese Medical
Association as well as by Beijing Children’s Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University.
Domestic and overseas pediatric professionals will be invited to deliver various lectures on pediatric
sleep medicine. The forum also offers opportunities on trainings in polysomnography technology.
The Forum will take place in Beijing, the capital of the People‘s Republic of China. Beijing is also one
of the six ancient cities in China and the nation‘s cultural center. I wish you may also learn more about
China and her unique culture.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Beijing.
Kunling Shen, phD, MD Xicheng Liu, phD, MD Huishan Wang, phD
Chairman of sub-society
of Pediatric Pulmonology
of China
Vice President of President of CPSMF President of CPSMF
Beijing Children’s Hospital,
Capital Medical University
President of CPSMF
上一篇: 北京兒童醫院2012年春節期間門診安排
下一篇: 2012年元旦期間門診安排