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Welcome to National Center for children`s Health, China

Welcome to Beijing Children`s Hospital

Beijing Children's Hospital, Capital Medical University is a comprehensive 3A pediatric hospital that combines medical care, research, teaching, and health care. Its predecessor is Beiping Private Children's Hospital established in 1942 by Academician Zhu Futang, the founder of China's modern pediatric medicine. The Hospital covers an area of 70,000 square meters, and the floorage is 120,000 square meters. It possesses 970 registered beds, receives an average of 3 million outpatients, over 80,000 inpatients and performs more than 26,000 operations per year. In 2017, the hospital has been approved by the National Health and Family Planning Commission as the National Ce… [Details]

Academician Zhang Jinzhe

Academician Zhang Jinzhe

Zhang Jinzhe, male, of Han nationality, is a CPC member and a senior expert in pediatric surgery. He was born on September 25, 1920, in Ninghe County, Tianjin. He graduated from Shanghai Medical College in 1946. He came to work at the ne… [Details]

Academician Hu Yamei

Academician Hu Yamei

Hu Yamei, female, was born in Beijing on March 24, 1923. Of Han nationality, she is a member of the CPC. She graduated from the School of Medicine, Peking University, in July 1947. She worked as a resident and then attending at Beiping P… [Details]

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